There are several people I know who are going through some crappy things and life itself sucks. Well really, Covid has put a lot of people in the same camp, as far as that goes.
There is a privilege in writing that. There is also gratitude in my heart for not being in their shoes. That doesn’t mean, however, that I don’t empathize with what they’re going through. And, that doesn’t mean I can’t imagine myself in their shoes, either.
There have been a few times in my life where I felt like life itself just plain sucked. There wasn’t anything that I could find good. I had gotten really good, as a kid, at finding silver linings. However, as an adult, I was getting more of a chip on my shoulder than anything else. Cynicism and sarcasm were coping mechanisms; along with alcohol and other unhelpful/hurtful things/people.
All that being said, not feeling too inspired for this week’s blog post, and reflecting on this week being National Grief Awareness Week, I found myself thinking about those who I know who are heading into the holidays and are just not feeling it. They’re not feeling festive. They’re not feeling like putting decorations up, shopping for gifts, or contemplating gatherings. It’s just not in them. Maybe this applies directly to you.
Whichever camp you’re in: everything sucks (because “rona” took a seat at your family table or literally took a dear one from the table or, all kinds of other possible horrible scenarios) versus #ronaruinseverything (where it’s the “rona” ruining your holiday and, there’s nothing tragic going on in your life other than your plans being elf-blocked) – there is something you can do today.
Just be.
When everything has sucked for me, the most thoughtful thing I did for myself was allowed myself to just be.
Be with my feelings – the anger, sadness, confusion, and everything in between.
Be with my heart – and let it speak to me through writing.
Be with my soul – and nurture it with nature, a song, or a shower (which, personal hygiene is easily the bottom of the list when life feels upside down).
Just be.
And, let that be okay. It can feel like emotional purgatory; stuck somewhere between hope and despair. And, sometimes it takes a whole lotta effort to grasp for the next best feeling. But, you can’t get there if the emotional pendulum is continually swinging toward despair either.
Take a slow, deep breath in and say to yourself: “I love myself.” Exhale everything that needs to be let go of at this moment: anger, sadness, confusion, whatever it is.
Do it again, closing your eyes.
Rinse and repeat the “Just Be” as long as you need. It’s the most loving and thoughtful thing you can do for yourself when it’s all can you muster to do.
Sending you love and light…✨
P.S. Do you need more support? There are several options in this lovely collection of offerings for this week only.
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