type 4 kinetic



You Are Type 4 | Kinetic

Hello, my driven and powerful friend!

You’re extroverted and “the boss”

But there’s more to you than just chasing your ambitions.

You’re a natural-born leader who thinks big, and you’re often the one who saves the day!

💛 You’re a dream big, think big problem-solver.

💛 You shift the energy in a big way. 

💛 You likely hardly ever get sick or suffer burnout. 

💛 You are blessed with robust energy and motivation that others are often drawn to. 

💛 You’re a fast thinker that grows faster than most. People may refer to you as the “hustler” or “mover & shaker.”


Your Motto

“Mind Over Matter”

Your Affirmation

I am a great giver and an excellent receiver.

Your Greatest Desire

Acceptance and Appreciation

Based on your quiz responses, I can see that…

Your gift is grit.

Failure is a part of life. While others may feel fear around failure, you understand, better than most, it’s a necessary part of the evolution of any project or endeavor. 

There isn’t much that stands in your way when you set your mind to something. 

There is a high probability that, for you, freedom shows up as a value in your YouMap® profile.

Delegating is important for you to feel a sense of freedom. Others are necessary to support and see your big ideas to fruition. However, this can also be a struggle for you. 

With your grit, no matter what needs to be done, there’s no doubt about it that you will see to it that it happens. 


And you also…

tend to be more confident than not

which is often reflected in your ability to see opportunity over risk.

Being assertive and driven does have its downsides if not kept in check. Read on to learn more. 

four pitfalls of the

Kinetic Type

Sense of Loneliness

When you’re busy leading from the top, it can feel like a lonely place to be.

Depending on your type of leadership and interpersonal relationship skills, your level of loneliness may be different from your peers. It will also shift and change over years of experience, too. 


Becoming overly “Type A,” you may feel failed by or disappointed by others. As a result, having high standards and expectations leave you to tackle projects alone due to others feeling intimidated by you.

Energy vampire Victim

Because others see you as a leader and often a mentor and your tendency to just get things done yourself, others may use that to their advantage. To your detriment, others may want to “pick your brain,” meanwhile sucking your mental bandwidth and physical energy. 

Negative thoughts

Misunderstandings (see “Sense of Loneliness”), not allowing others to fail, learn, and grow, may result in anxiety when feeling not in control. These negative thoughts create negative feelings which may lead to panic attacks, migraines, and an ever-present level of low-grade anger.

A caveat to being the kinetic type; luckily, you’re in the right place.

Not living up to your potential is a real fear. And, it’s a fear that many with “achiever” traits can relate to, too. 

There is a drive and ambition that seems to move the goal post farther out. You reach one goal and you’re on your way to the next one.

What if, instead of looking at goals as something to check off the to-do, goals were looked at as an opportunity to evolve?

What if evolving were the goal? Does that feel different? Does it take the pressure off your shoulders to “perform,” be a certain way, or produce a specific outcome?

What if the freedom you’ve been seeking has cost you your family or other relationships. 

Balance is something we hear a lot about, but what that looks like is different for everyone. My idea of balance is likely different from yours simply based on A. my YouMap® and B. my phase of life. 

YouMap® shows you where you need more balance that is unique to you and where you’re at right now. 

Things you can do to empower your kinetic heart.

✨ Own your strengths without apology.

✨ You want everyone to win – trust that everyone wins when you take control; it’s a position of great responsibility that’s not for everyone. 

✨ Delegate by recognizing the strengths in others, allowing them to fail and learn. Allow that failure to be a reflection of them and not you. Watching people fall apart and make preventable mistakes helps them learn to support you better.

✨ Explain yourself and your expectations. 

✨ Prioritize self-care; do something fun every now and then that challenges a different part of your brain. 

✨ Every once in a while, take the opportunity, as the leader, to show it’s important that everyone needs to turn off sometimes. Leave the phone behind, make yourself unavailable, and get out in nature.

✨ Respect yourself by respecting your own boundaries. If people are exhausting and draining you, see the suggestion above. It’s time to recharge and regroup. 

✨ Consider utilizing YouMap® for your team. Understanding what others bring to the table helps you to know where individuals perfectly fit and where they would thrive. 


a journal prompt for change

I believe that …

you can live your life in alignment

Yes, you.

Hi there, from ND! I’m Victoria, an empath and a Usui Reiki, and Karuna Reiki Master. I’ve been studying energy and providing energy healing to clients since 2019.

Learning about energy imbalance, chakras, and energy blocks (and what to do to help myself) has transformed my life. I no longer feel like my gift of empathy is a curse.

There are things you can do to help yourself take control and empower yourself instead. And you can start TODAY! The power is literally in your hands.

I’m here to help guide you! 🤲🏻


Are you ready to know your energy leaks TODAY?

If you’re ready to dig deep into your strengths and values so you can live your best life, YouMap® is for you.

As your guide, I will take you through YouMap®, the only assessment that takes into account ALL of you; your strengths, skills, values, and how you’re wired!

By identifying these things, you will have the language for what you have to offer. Also, no more wasting your time on things that will drain your contagious energy!

With growth as a huge driver for you, I believe you will love and appreciate the knowledge you gain.

Give me three sessions to help you uncover all of the magic within you!
And up-level your life by focusing on the qualities that make you – YOU!


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