Type 3 Radiant



You Are Type 3 | Radiant

Hello, my passionate and adventurous friend!

You may be more extroverted and the “life of the party”

BUT there’s more to you than just having fun!

You expect more out of life than most. Therefore, your approach to life may leave people feeling a wee bit envious when you leave them in the dust.

💛 You find magic in others and experiences. 

💛 You have a zest for life and make it almost look easy.

💛 People are drawn to you because of your energy. 

💛 You do pretty well at maintaining a healthy work-life balance (when the fun isn’t taken too far).

💛 You are collaborative and love sharing all of your ideas. 


Your Motto

“Variety is the spice of life!”

Your Affirmation

I am grounded in who I am.

Your Greatest Desire

Growth through as many experiences as possible.

Based on your quiz responses, I can see that…

Your gift is enthusiasm.

,Experiences and adventure are huge drivers for you.

It seems that everything you touch gets a jolt of fun and your enthusiasm for anything new is contagious.

There is a high probability that, for you, freedom shows up as a value in your YouMap® profile.

By ensuring everyone around you is having fun, you also raise the vibrational energy of projects, common goals, and your environment.


And you also…

tend to be more confident than not

which is often reflected in your ability to see opportunity over risk.

Being so adventurous and confident does have its downsides. Read on to learn more…

four pitfalls of the

Radiant Type

Easily Bored

It’s not uncommon for those who are so adventurous and passionate about so many things, to repeatedly shake things up in their life. You don’t like being tied down to one thing or one place for too long. 


By constantly being on the go, you may find yourself burning out or plain exhausted from always being “on.”

Energy vampire Victim

With such a zest for live and others being drawn to that like a moth to a flame, you can become victim of energy vampires if you’re not careful. 


Anxiety is often the by-product of frequent career, location, or relationship changes.

In seeking change (i.e., variety), you find yourself often having to start over and, not allowing yourself to get too close to any one person, place, or thing.

An “unsettled” feeling is often a constant for you.

A caveat to being the radiant type; luckily, you’re in the right place.

Feeling grounded in who you are is important for not getting lost in the thrill of an experience, whether that be a career or another person.  

As long as you keep others along for the ride who inspire or challenge you in a good way, you will naturally find yourself growing. 

Perhaps that’s the fear? That placing your stake in the ground and putting down roots, that you’ll find yourself no longer growing or experiencing adventure?

As you age and go through different phases of life, you may find your definition of adventure and fun will change.

Aging is the one change that may become the most difficult to embrace for someone so thirsty for fun and adventure.

This change can bring about behaviors that are unhealthy and may even bring about terrible outcomes if you’re not living with conscious awareness. 

Balancing fun with being grounded is key.

Things you can do to empower your radiant heart.

✨ Nurture your curiosity for life, sense of adventure, and desire for growth by joining various classes.

✨ Try on new hobbies regularly.

✨ Plan to outgrow your current interests by exploring new opportunities to learn and grow every year.

✨ Create a bucket list.

✨ Prioritize adventure as self-care. 

✨ Practice discernment for relationships – consider the value they add to your life versus yours to theirs. 

✨ Be your own bestie first & create healthy boundaries around your energy.


a journal prompt for change

I believe that …

you can live your life in alignment

Yes, you.

Hi there, from ND! I’m Victoria, an empath and a Usui Reiki, and Karuna Reiki Master. I’ve been studying energy and providing energy healing to clients since 2019.

Learning about energy imbalance, chakras, and energy blocks (and what to do to help myself) has transformed my life. I no longer feel like my gift of empathy is a curse.

There are things you can do to help yourself take control and empower yourself instead. And, you can start TODAY! The power is, literally, in your hands.

I’m here to help guide you! 🤲🏻


Are you ready to know your energy leaks TODAY?

If you’re ready to dig deep into your strengths and values to live your best life, YouMap® is for you.

As your guide, I will take you through YouMap®, the only assessment that takes into account ALL of you; your strengths, skills, values, and how you’re wired!

By identifying these things, you will have the language for what you have to offer. Also, no more wasting your time on things that will drain your contagious energy!

With growth as a huge driver for you, you will love and appreciate the knowledge you gain.

Give me three sessions to help you uncover all of the magic that is within YOU!


Click the button above to download a PDF copy of your results or bookmark this page to come back to it later!

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