You Are Type 2 | Fluid
Hello, my curious and self-aware friend.
You may be more introverted and more of a follower rather than a leader
BUT don’t be fooled!
You are the envy of many because you have this ease about you that enables you to go with the flow.
💛 You create a safe space and advocate for others.
💛 You value creativity and self-expression.
💛 People are drawn to you because they know you have their best interests in mind.
💛 You are likely the one who makes sure everyone in the group gets heard.
💛 You’re a collaborative team player.
Your Motto
“It is better to give than to receive.”
Your Affirmation
I am supported.
Your Greatest Desire
Support From Others
Based on your quiz responses, I can see that…
Curiosity is the spice of life, I say!
And, whether it’s your curiosity in others or something (or someone), that’s intriguing; what you bring to group efforts is needed in this world. You also put others at ease just with your presence, too.
There is a good probability that, for you, curiosity shows up as a value in your YouMap® profile.
By ensuring those in your life have a say and being a grounding presence for others, you contribute a lot to your relationships.
And you also…
see potential in others
which means you are often the one cheering others on as well.
four pitfalls of the
Fluid Type
poor communication
Anxiety and resentment are often the by-products of self-sacrifice, feeling taken for granted, and only leads to further communication breakdown.
Energy vampire
A caveat to being the fluid type; luckily, you’re in the right place.
Being self-sacrificing can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. So often, those that give, give, give, grew up with the notion that self-worth was equal to what was done for others.
Is it great to be kind and generous with our time? Absolutely.
However, when the scale becomes imbalanced, and the one giving either A. isn’t sure how to receive or B. was never taught that it’s okay to say “no,” the perpetual cycle continues.
Give, give, give —> resentment.
Give, give, give —> resentment.
Things you can do to empower your fluid heart.
✨ Set aside time for creative projects. Creativity honors your yang energy.
✨ Appreciate and value sitting with feelings but thrive with forward motion, resolution, and measurable outcomes – you need something to show for your spiritual growth.
✨ Give back to yourself — time for creative projects but also self-care time. Self-care honors your yin energy. Only then should you give back to others. This creates balance.
✨ Create boundaries; notice how much self-care you need and honestly assess how much you can give to others. This helps eliminate hurt feelings and brings attention to who truly gets a seat at your table.
✨ Receive support and offers of help from others graciously.
My heart longs to…
As the fluid type, a wonderful next step on your way to energetic balance is energy clearing.
Resetting and clearing yourself of energetic blocks within your body, or clearing yourself of other people’s energy, is what helps your body perform at its best.
When combined with the tips outlined above, you will be well on your way to feeling emotionally and energetically lighter.
I believe that …
you can live your life in alignment
Yes, you.
Hi there, from ND! I’m Victoria, an empath and a Usui Reiki, and Karuna Reiki Master. I’ve been studying energy and providing energy healing to clients since 2019.
Learning about energy imbalance, chakras, and energy blocks (and what to do to help myself) has transformed my life. I no longer feel like my gift of empathy is a curse.
There are things you can do to help yourself take control and empower yourself instead. And you can start TODAY! The power is literally in your hands.
I’m here to help guide you! 🤲🏻
Are you ready to reset your energy and feel lighter TODAY?
Would you like to do this on your own and in your own time?
From the comfort of your own home and, during time set aside just for you, push play and be taken somewhere else in your mind and sink into your heart.
There you will find emotional release and connection to your heart and soul (the spirit within you).
Life bogs us down with demands, obligations, other people’s “stuff,” and grief is often present, too. All of these things tax our energy. As empaths, these situations contribute to the heaviness we often feel.
The Heart & Soul Connection Session is something you can push play to connect, ground, and bring to the surface, anything that needs to be released.
Click the button or image below to be redirected to purchase. You will then save the MP3 to your device, and it’s yours to utilize any time you need.
The best part? It’s yours for only $6!
From the comfort of your own home and, during time set aside just for you, push play and be taken somewhere else in your mind and sink into your heart.
There you will find emotional release and connection to your heart and soul (the spirit within you).
Life bogs us down with demands, obligations, other people’s “stuff,” and grief is often present, too. All of these things tax our energy. As empaths, these situations contribute to the heaviness we often feel.
The Heart & Soul Connection Session is something you can push play to connect, ground, and bring anything that needs to be released to the surface.
If you want deeper energetic healing, an Energy Healing Session may be more appropriate, or the next step after the Heart & Soul Connection Session.
An Energy Healing Session will help you:
🤲🏻 regain energetic balance
🤲🏻 release energy blocks that are and are not yours
🤲🏻 receive grounding energy
🤲🏻 learn what comes up physically or emotionally that needs deeper healing
Click the button below to get started!
P.S. As a THANK YOU, if you provided your name and email address to receive my bi-weekly newsletter, The Unleashed Letters, enter the coupon code “TUH10” at checkout for your first Energy Healing session. If you’ve already had a session with me and signed up for the newsletter, you may use the coupon code for your next session!
Or join the Energy Healing Membership
Receive two live energy healings in a group per month, and utilize the sessions as often as you like throughout the month. The membership is also an opportunity to deepen your knowledge, grow self-awareness, and connect with others who desire to feel lighter, grounded, and centered.
If you’re ready to dig deep into emotional healing…
As your guide, I will take you through Grief Recovery, the only evidence and action-based program of its kind for helping hurting hearts process grief. And the grief may be due to any of the 40+ losses, including, but not limited to, divorce, death, or estrangement.
The perk of working with me? We will also identify your top five strengths. Perhaps Empathy is one of your top five, according to Gallup. It’s my number one! 💛 And it’s because of all of the inner work that I have done that it no longer feels like a curse.
Give me 90 minutes a week for 12 weeks, and you’ll feel a whole boulder lighter.
Click the button above to download a PDF copy of your results or bookmark this page to come back to it later!
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