You Are Type 1 | The Empath
As an empath myself, I get you. It can feel like a blessing and a curse to be an empath or empathic. You’ve likely been told you’re “too sensitive” and may even feel misunderstood with your introverted tendencies.
You have amazing qualities that should be celebrated!
💛 You are intuitive and feel deeply – not only your emotions but those of others, too.
💛 Being vulnerable and authentic come easily to you.
💛 People are drawn to you because of your ability to put yourself in their shoes.
💛 You are likely the one people come to with their problems.
💛 And, you rely on your gut feelings to guide your decisions.
Your Motto
“You gotta feel it to heal it.”
Your Affirmation
I am a beacon of love and compassion.
Your Greatest Desire
Inner Peace
Based on your quiz responses, I can see that…
Your gift is empathy.
Empathy is an innate strength. Empathy cannot be taught. It is something that is either within you or it isn’t.
Most people have some level of empathy. And some people may have intellectual empathy, where there’s an understanding of others’ feelings without concern.
However, there’s a good probability that, for you, empathy is in your top 10 strengths according to YouMap®.
Healers have empathy. And, you don’t have to have a business as a Grief Counselor or Reiki Master (like myself), massage therapist, or a medium to be a healer.
By being a listening ear for others, nurturing, and care-giving are all qualities that empathic people naturally bring to the world. You may care for plants, children, elderly parents, or be a solid rock of support for your spouse, significant other, or friend.
And you’re also…
a fantastic connector when one-on-one
which means you are also great at making others feel seen and heard.
Being an empath does have its downsides. Read on to learn more…
four pitfalls of the
Mental Health
It’s not uncommon for empaths to struggle with depression or bouts of depression. Mental health and emotional balance is critical for empaths to living their gift as a blessing rather than a curse. Self-care and mental health need to be a top priority for you to maintain balance.
Cyclic Thoughts
Falling into cyclical thought patterns that drain energy, ultimately manifesting as physical symptoms.
Energy sponge
Empaths often take in other people’s energy as their own.
Being a deep feeler can be overwhelming, as can loud, crowded environments. Therefore, empaths often retreat and isolate. This isn’t a bad thing, but along with being introverted, empaths need time to process and can feel misunderstood, which can cause you to further isolate.
A caveat to being an empath; luckily, you’re in the right place.
Take it from me, it is important for you to understand that, as an empath, it is even more important that you do your inner work. Before you can be of service to others, you must fill your cup first, or you will be on a fast track to burnout.
Emotionally wounded and traumatized empaths cannot help others heal any more than someone who is in a mental health crisis help someone struggling.
And, this is why it can feel like a curse; a desire to help but a lack of boundaries and unhealed trauma gets in the way.
The life of an empath doesn’t have to be one of struggle and heartbreak; there are methods and tools you can incorporate into your life. There are ways to feel in control of your emotions rather than feeling as though they control you.
Read on to learn what you can implement TODAY to improve your life, and how I can help you reset and clear your body of energetic and emotional blocks.
Things you can do to empower your empathic heart.
✨ Set aside time (daily) to feel feelings and process them either through meditation, journaling, crying, or being in nature.
✨ Volunteer your time to a cause you believe in – this puts you in action.
✨ Stop asking others for advice and forfeiting your power.
✨ Make it a point to connect with at least one person (daily) in a way that feels good to you.
✨ Get out of or create boundaries around unhealthy relationships.
a journal prompt for change
The one thing holding me back is…
Reset & Cleanse Your Energy
As an empath, a wonderful next step on your way to energetic balance is energy clearing.
Resetting and clearing yourself of energetic blocks within your body, or clearing yourself of other people’s energy, is what helps your body perform at its best.
When combined with the tips outlined above, you will be well on your way to feeling emotionally and energetically lighter.
I believe that …
you can live your life in alignment
Yes, you.
Hi there, from ND! I’m Victoria, an empath and a Usui Reiki, and Karuna Reiki Master. I’ve been studying energy and providing energy healing to clients since 2019.
Learning about energy imbalance, chakras, and energy blocks (and what to do to help myself) has transformed my life. I no longer feel like my gift of empathy is a curse.
I think it’s essential for empaths like yourself to know that you’re not here to suffer, as I did emotionally for so many years.
There are things you can do to help yourself, take control, and empower yourself instead. And, you can start TODAY! The power is literally in your hands.
I’m here to help guide you! 🤲🏻
Are you ready to reset your energy and feel lighter TODAY?
Would you like to do this on your own and in your own time?
From the comfort of your own home and, during time set aside just for you, push play and be taken somewhere else in your mind and sink into your heart.
There you will find emotional release and connection to your heart and soul (the spirit within you).
Life bogs us down with demands, obligations, other people’s “stuff,” and grief is often present, too. All of these things tax our energy. As empaths, these situations contribute to the heaviness we often feel.
The Heart & Soul Connection Session is something you can push play to connect, ground, and bring to the surface, anything that needs to be released.
Click the button or image below to be redirected to purchase. You will then save the MP3 to your device, and it’s yours to utilize any time you need.
The best part? It’s yours for only $6!
From the comfort of your own home and, during time set aside just for you, push play and be taken somewhere else in your mind and sink into your heart.
There you will find emotional release and connection to your heart and soul (the spirit within you).
Life bogs us down with demands, obligations, other people’s “stuff,” and grief is often present, too. All of these things tax our energy. As empaths, these situations contribute to the heaviness we often feel.
The Heart & Soul Connection Session is something you can push play to connect, ground, and bring anything that needs to be released to the surface.
If you want deeper energetic healing, an Energy Healing Session may be more appropriate, or the next step after the Heart & Soul Connection Session.
An Energy Healing session will help you:
🤲🏻 regain energetic balance
🤲🏻 release energy blocks that are and are not yours
🤲🏻 receive grounding energy
🤲🏻 learn what comes up physically or emotionally that need deeper healing
Click the button below to get started!
P.S. As a THANK YOU, if you provided your name and email address to receive my bi-weekly newsletter, The Unleashed Letters, enter the coupon code “TUH10” at checkout for your first energy healing session. If you’ve already had a session with me and signed up for the newsletter, you may also use the coupon code for your next session!
Or join the Energy Healing Membership
Receive two live energy healings in a group per month, and utilize the sessions as often as you like throughout the month. The membership is also an opportunity to deepen your knowledge, grow self-awareness, and connect with others who desire to feel lighter, grounded, and centered.
If you’re ready to dig deep into emotional healing…
As your guide, I will take you through Grief Recovery, the only evidence and action-based program of its kind for helping hurting hearts process grief. And the grief may be due to any of the 40+ losses, including, but not limited to, divorce, death, or estrangement.
The perk of working with me? We will also identify your top five strengths. Perhaps Empathy is one of your top five, according to Gallup. It’s my number one! 💛 And it’s because of all of the inner work that I have done that it no longer feels like a curse.
Give me 90-minutes a week for 12 weeks, and you’ll feel a whole boulder lighter.
Click the button above to download a PDF copy of your results or bookmark this page to come back to it later!
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