Ep 226 Get Out of Your Own Way in Grief & In Life



On this Christmas Eve episode, I extend warm, festive greetings to all listeners, no matter how you celebrate. Inspired by my recent newsletter, The Unleash Letters, I reflect on the past year’s experiences and energies while looking forward with hope to 2025.

I discuss the power of self-reflection as a healing tool—especially for those grieving—and encourage everyone to consider what energies from 2023 they carried into 2024 and how these might impact their future.

I’ve experienced a shift in my beliefs about unseen spiritual support, which has renewed my excitement and inspiration for the future. Trusting oneself and having faith in a higher power can truly spark personal growth.

Setting intentions is crucial; it helps us tackle challenges head-on and transform our lives into ones filled with freedom and fulfillment. We can quickly change perspectives by addressing obstacles directly, grounding ourselves, and reframing our thoughts. While conflicts are inevitable when engaging deeply with others, viewing year-end as a new beginning allows us to harness energy shifts for personal growth.

I invite you to reflect on what didn’t work in 2024, consider changes you’d like to make for 2025, and explore my website for services that meet where you are at like the energy healing membership, meditations, or the Do Grief Differently program—with an exclusive limited-time discount available!

My goal is to meet you wherever you are on your journey by helping you take control of your energy and potential. As I close this episode with hope for 2025, remember that unleashing your heart unlocks your life’s true potential!


  • The Unleashed Letters Newsletter
  • Energy Healing Membership
  • Do Grief Differently (10% off for two individuals for January or February start date)



  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
  • Crisis Text Line provides free, 24/7 support via text message. Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a trained Crisis Counselor

If you are struggling with grief due to any of the 40+ losses, free resources are available HERE.


Embrace the Holiday Spirit with Grieving Voices

As we approach the end of another year, it’s a time for reflection, gratitude, and setting intentions for what lies ahead. In this special Christmas Eve episode of the Grieving Voices podcast, listeners are invited to pause and reflect on their journey through 2023 and how they can step into 2024 with renewed energy and purpose.

A Season of Reflection

The holiday season is often seen as a time of joy and celebration. However, it’s also a period where emotions run high—especially for those who are grieving. The host acknowledges this duality by extending festive greetings while recognizing that everyone’s experience during this time is unique. Drawing inspiration from The Unleash Letters, their biweekly newsletter filled with personal reflections and resources, the host encourages us all to take stock of our emotional landscape.

The Power of Self-Reflection

Self-reflection isn’t just about looking back; it’s about understanding how past experiences shape our present selves—and ultimately influence our future paths. For those dealing with grief or other life challenges in particular—self-reflection becomes an essential tool for healing because it allows us not only recognize but also release pent-up energies holding us back from growth opportunities waiting around every corner!

In fact—as highlighted throughout today’s episode—the act itself requires immense amounts both mental physical strength which makes sense why so many people find themselves drained exhausted after engaging deeply introspective work like journaling meditation etcetera…

Trusting Yourself & Higher Powers

One key takeaway shared was trusting oneself alongside greater forces beyond comprehension such spiritual entities which may offer unseen support along way! This belief shift brought newfound excitement anticipation heading into upcoming years including potential breakthroughs transformations awaiting eager individuals ready embrace change wholeheartedly without fear hesitation whatsoever!

By fostering deeper connections within ourselves others universe at large—we unlock doors previously thought closed forever opening up endless possibilities once unimaginable before now suddenly tangible reality ripe exploration discovery anew each day passes bringing fresh insights revelations aplenty wherever turn next no matter path choose follow down road less traveled more familiar territory alike…

Episode Transcription:

Victoria Volk: Hello friend. Thank you for tuning in to this Christmas Eve episode of Greeting Voices. If you’re listening today on Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day, Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah however you celebrate, marry all the things to you and yours. And if you don’t celebrate, that’s okay too. Thank you for listening. Today’s episode is inspired by my last newsletter, which is called the unleashing letters. It comes out every other Wednesday. I will put a link to it in the show notes in case you’re interested in joining me biweekly in your inbox. It’s my place where I share a little bit more personal things and what’s happening, work wise, business, personal, all of the things, my thoughts, I share resources that I come across. It’s kind of a hodgepodge of of things sometimes But my last newsletter, I felt like was maybe too good not to share on the podcast. And so that is what inspired me to bring to you today Basically, my last newsletter to you here on the podcast. So if you like what you hear today, maybe you’d like to join my newsletter. Now I’ve been thinking a lot about this past year, the lessons I’ve learned, which will come in the next episode of grieving voices. But really about the energy. The energy that I feel maybe I I don’t wanna say this. Like, the energy that I embodied the most in twenty twenty four. And for me, it was just laying the foundation of what’s to come because I have a lot of hope of what’s to come for me business wise, personally, I’m looking ahead to twenty twenty five with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm and enjoy and Yeah. So I think this year was really about preparing myself energetically to to really receive all the goodness that I feel is just waiting for me. In twenty twenty five. And if you’re listening to this and you’re grieving, maybe you just lost a loved one. I’ve heard some really sad stories as of late, local to me, people that I’ve I somewhat knew who have passed way before their time. And so maybe this is not the episode for you today, and that’s okay. But at the same time, I think if self reflection can be an amazing healing tool for us, it can help us bring something to our awareness that helps us shift our perspective of things. That can be healing. So in that case, maybe this episode is for you. In any rate, turn this off when it doesn’t feel aligned. Keep listening if it does. But the highlights of the newsletter were pretty much, like, talking about I I mean, I can talk about I can spend things around to be about grief and a lot of my newsletter was about grief. And the energy that grief expands. But his grief expands a ton of energy to both hold in our bodies, but also to release. And we can release grief through breath work or body work, like energy healing, raky, biofuel tuning, like I offer somatic practices, shaking, tapping, even dancing, or other healing modalities that freeze the stagnant tangled energy that allows for allows for our energetic flow. So in a nutshell, Releasing and working through the energetics of grief is a good thing. And so if you are grieving and you’re listening to this, the worst has probably already happened. Is what is one small step you can do today for you to hold your heart with light and love? What is your heart asking of you right now? And I bet if you take a moment to be still and turn off the noise and distractions, you just might get your answer. When you think back on twenty twenty four, what did you energetically take into twenty twenty four from twenty twenty three? Was it heartbreak? Maybe what you’re feeling right now is a little bit of old pain. Is it decades old emotional pain and anger? Is it a longing or a desire burning inside that hasn’t come to fruition? What was the energy you took into twenty twenty four? And are you still holding onto that energy and taking it into twenty twenty five? What can you do or try that could contribute to twenty twenty five being different and not more of the same? Is it time for brave action? There is this unseen force and energy that has your back in mind. And up until very recently, I struggled to believe that this was true for me. I never questioned this being true for others, but my monkey mind always questioned because I very much am a questioner and a natural skeptic. And I was skeptical that the insights and messages that would drop into my mail slot, I’d like to call it, were made up by my monkey mind. But that all changed, actually only within the last month and a half or so, with a meditation that was like the flip of an energetic light switch. Now I fully believe that God angels spirit guides, saints universe, whatever you wanna call it, that there’s something we can’t see Although some people are gifted in that way to see, but that is far more intelligent than we ever will be on this physical plane and in our physical bodies with all of our logic and ego getting in the way. But that support is just waiting for us to knock on the door, waiting to be recognized and acknowledged. And now that I have experienced it fully for myself, I can’t unfreeze what I now know, that I am supported. And so are you? And feeling energetically held in this way has made my December twenty twenty four explode with excitement and buzz and inspiration. It has been as if the floodgates of what’s possible have opened up. Going into twenty twenty five, I feel a theme for me to share is self trust, and trust in something greater, and helping others cultivate that within themselves. Imagine the hope that can come from learning how to trust yourself and in something greater. It has certainly ignited a lot of hope in me. I’m as much a realist as I am a dreamer. Life is gonna life. Things don’t always go as we plan. Energetically finding ourselves in these situations can flip our lives upside down and rightfully so for a period of time. However, one thing I’ve learned about myself is that this past years that my rebound time from challenges like these is much shorter than it used to be in years past. When I can get out of my own way, set my monkey mind straight and get grounded and centered within myself, my perspective shifts so much more quickly. I become more reflective sooner. Therefore, I’m not ruminating and stewing on crap I can’t control or have the power to change in my favor. And although it is painful in the process, I’ve learned that the god angels, spirit guides universe, whatever you want to call it are simply making more room and space for what is meant for me. As long as I do my part and energetically step up to the plate, and I believe that’s true for you too. If we acknowledge the suck in the situation, set an intention with the might with our energy for what is in the highest good for ourselves and everyone involved, and release attachment to any certain outcome. Twenty twenty five can be an amazing year. And energetically, we can feel free. We will forever have conflict in our lives as long as we are in relationships with others and I can’t wait to share more about what twenty twenty four has taught me in an upcoming episode next week, but energetically, get grounded and centered within yourself. And trust, and you will see how the world just seems to rearrange and sort itself around you. Like a dear friend of mine says, metaphorically speaking, of course. The trash just seems to take out itself. We just so easily get in our own way because we’re afraid of uncertainty. We have fear of change because we latch on to pass stories or beliefs that have been passed down to us through generations or the lives that we told ourselves or others told us about ourselves that we accept as our truth. For example, did you grow up in a home with a lack mindset where the your parents and your household were just believed there was just never enough or you were just barely enough or you were just scraping by Or did you have to prove your worth by doing? These are stories that we hold on to that we bring into adulthood. This is the energy that you’re holding on to potentially. And bringing into your present day. What if instead of looking at the end of twenty twenty four as an ending, we looked at it as a new beginning, an invitation to a new beginning. Every single day there’s a sunrise and a sunset. It were given an opportunity every day to start with a clean slate. There’s never a perfect time or a perfect year and the future isn’t guaranteed. And we waste a lot of time, dwelling, ruminating, stewing, procrastinating, holding ourselves back, and allowing our ego and logical mind to get in the way. Which is skewed by our perception of our past experiences and how we see the world. One of the fastest ways we can shift our energy, our perspective, our thoughts around the challenge in the moment or whatever we’re thinking about or struggling with is to ask ourselves better and deeper questions. And so I just want you to think about twenty twenty four And ask yourself, what isn’t working? What hasn’t been working about twenty twenty four? And if I gave you a magic wand, and I could shift your energy and change your energy today, Where would you put your energy to first? What would be the first thing that you would want to change? This is a baby step towards self awareness. To bring to light, that which you wish to shift your perspective around and take action. So if you are ready to do so and go into twenty twenty five with new energy or call in new energy into your life. I invite you to take a look at my website, the onlychart dot com, have a look at the different services I offer. I can meet you where you’re at, whether you’re just starting to peel back the layers, maybe energy healing work is for you. I’ve got meditations on there. I just launched my energy healing membership, which is forty nine dollars a month for founding members. We meet live twice a month. There’s three different modules currently in the membership, plus resources I’ll be adding and I’ll continually be adding to it. And you have access to the energy healing sessions. However, many times a month you want to engage in them and participate. Or if you’re ready to dive deep, into the stories that you’re holding on to. Maybe do group differently is for you. I like to call do group differently, the gift that keeps on giving. And so for two people, I will be offering ten percent off do grief differently, which is a savings of a hundred and sixty dollars for January or February twenty twenty five. So if you’ve been considering the program, hit up the link in the show notes to inquire. And for those that decide to move forward, I will give you that coupon code. And again, it’s good for two people, for January or February start dates. For twenty twenty five. I believe in that program with all of my heart. It changed my life and I’ve seen countless other lives changed and transformed because of it and relationships made stronger because of it. So I’m excited to offer two people ten percent off that program to help you get out of your own way in grief and in life. If you’ve already done a lot of energy work, personal healing, development work, maybe you’re just ready to fulfill your full potential to really lean your energy into allowing yourself to fully become unleashed from whatever it is has its grip on you. Then maybe you map is for you. Again, I can meet you where you’re at, and I’m telling you I’ve walked the walk. I’ve probably been where you are. When you grow up with grief, it it feels like that. Life can feel like a grind, but there is a way to make peace with your past. To move forward, to shift your energy, up level your energy, raise your voltage, so you feel like you have a sense of vitality. You can do the things that you enjoy doing. You feel a creative spark, you feel inspired. And along the way, if you trust in yourself and trust that you are supported, that’ll take you leaps and bounds. Further than I think even I maybe even I feel as possible as I sit here right now. I hope this episode was inspiring. I hope it was leaving with a sense of hope. For twenty twenty five. Check out the show notes for any links. If you’re interested in the energy healing membership, my newsletter, I’m here to support you in whatever way you need. Until next time, remember, when you unleash your heart, you unleash your life, much love.

Sweep Your Side of the Street

sweep your doorstep first

Dr. Phil once said, “you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.” I believe we’d all agree with that statement.

So, if we’d all agree with that statement, why do we deny when it’s our own shit that’s keeping us stuck or getting in the way of our lives? Why do we treat grief like it’s an elephant in the room that’s obviously present but no one wants to talk about?

We’re Not Taught the How

Lately, I’ve contemplated the narrative that all you need is prayer; that prayer alone will get you through whatever pains you. So, I’m taking this opportunity to present another perspective through the lens of someone (myself) where prayer alone wasn’t enough. Faith is one thing. That’s not what I’m talking about. Because, without faith, I simply don’t think we’d take certain actions in our lives. What I’m talking about is the action of prayer alone getting us through – being the how – we get through difficult times.

Let me ask you this: How is prayer alone working for you? Be completely honest with yourself; remember what Dr. Phil said.

Prayer alone wasn’t enough for me. I believed I had plenty of faith to go around. I believed that if I would journal on God’s word enough, read enough scripture, listened to the Bible app faithfully in the background of my life, that I would have some sort of epiphany and be healed of my sorrows. So much so, I got a “Let Go Let God” tattoo on the inside of my right wrist. All you need to do is give it to God and he’ll do the rest, right? Wrong.

Maybe you relate to this. Maybe you’re struggling right now in your faith [in God] because you feel abandoned (as I did for many years). Perhaps you feel like you’re not Christian enough, therefore, there is no hope for you.

It’s OK to Not Be OK

I want to share this message with specifically you today and anyone who has convinced themselves their OK because they have faith and prayer. To drive this message home, I am going to use an example I pray never happens but one that I know many will relate to and one I’ve personally experienced watching my father fade away due to cancer (passing away only four years older than I am now).

I proposed this example to my husband because I wanted to know his feelings on the matter, but in the back of my mind, I also wanted to drive this point home to him and that I want to share with you today.

Hypothetically, I am diagnosed with cancer. It’s terminal and there is nothing more that can be done. I asked my husband if he felt he would be drawn closer to God [in prayer] or if there would be a part of him that would want to retreat and pull away (which is a natural response, by the way). He said he would pray harder; he would pray more than he’d ever prayed. And I replied with: And I died anyway. “Don’t you think,’ I said, ‘you would have a difficult time reconciling that in your heart?” This is what we experience and struggle with because we are human. There is nothing wrong with us. However, given that we’re all going to die someday and we have no way of knowing how; I want to share that, for most of us, prayer is and never will be – enough. And, I believe people often use their faith or prayer as a way of convincing themselves they’re doing just fine. I know I’m not the only one who has done this. Perhaps you’re identifying with doing this right now in your life?

For God to do His work in our hearts, we first need to sweep our side of the street; we need to do the inner-work. Then, and only then, are we able to give our hearts fully to Him and to others in our lives; loving with our whole hearts – not just the broken bits we’re desperately trying to super-glue back together and hope it holds. But life rolls on, right? Crap rolls downhill and snowballs and adds up in our hearts.

Resolving the Unresolved

By holding on to the familiarity of pain, we’re not fully living in joy either. God is joy. God is love. Until we resolve the unresolved, we’re not able to fully step into who we are, what we feel, and what we wish to contribute in this life. We’re all walking around a little shattered inside.

So, when I am snubbed by the faithful when I say that the Grief Recovery Method (GRM) isn’t faith-based, I’m partially telling a lie. It’s true that there are no scripture readings in the program. It’s true there isn’t open prayer during the program meetings. It’s also true that God is not shoved down your throat in the program, too. However, the message I really want to get across when I share about GRM, is that it’s you doing the inner-work, so He can do His. It is transformational, not in the way of conversion, but in the way of self-love, self-acceptance, emotional resilience…all the things God wishes for us. So, I guess in that way it is faith-based. Faith in knowing we are fully supported. Faith in knowing that God places people in our lives at just the right time. Faith that there is hope…even on the darkest of days.

That which is holding you down can become a powerful force that raises you up. You just have to be willing to take the ascent.

– from the book, The Untethered Soul




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