replay today rehearse tomorrow

Replay Today and Rehearse Tomorrow

There is a lot of empowerment that comes with reflecting on your day and rehearsing the day ahead. I found myself doing this regularly, only when I started using The Five Minute Journal. And, I gotta say, I’ve noticed a marked improvement in my productivity and feelings of abundance, too. It may be part psychological but, I do know that I have noticed that if I write the same thing several days in a row, it’s the motivation I need to “get ‘er done.” And, I’ve also found all the little ways I am blessed. I just feel like it’s been a great motivator for me. It’s me against me; I’m only comparing myself to the me who made an entry the day before. I do think that’s a powerful aspect of using this little book; it has the potential to be transformative. I also see it as a wonderful tool as someone is working to heal through grief.

On tough days, it can be challenging to find the littlest thing to be grateful for, and feeling the opposite of that is not empowering. I wrote a post a while back about making little changes and, this book definitely makes my list now.

Replay Today

When you reflect on the day, consider what could’ve made the day even better. Maybe you passed someone you knew whose energy seemed off, and rather than stopping to say hello and ask how they were doing, you, instead, made it seem like you were preoccupied and gave a slight wave. And, now you regret not saying hello because you sense something is wrong. Reflecting on that moment and what you could have done differently helps bring that awareness to the forefront. And perhaps, the next time you see that person, you will apologize for not following through on your gut. Not delivering that communication of regret stays within you.

Moments, such as the one described above, happen in our lives all of the time. We just give those moments very little attention. This little book helps to bring moments like that to the forefront.

Similarly, you also can reflect on what was amazing about the day – gratitude! What a great way to end the day!

Rehearse Tomorrow

A natural thing happens when you reflect on the present day; you start thinking about the next day. And, although this isn’t a step to work through in this little journal I’m talking about, I think it naturally happens, at least it does for me. I also typically plan my week ahead on Sundays. Doing this activity helps me to prepare for the week ahead mentally. I plan out what needs to get done and when. I’m not perfect at getting everything done that I set out to do, but as I mentioned, when I write these things in this little book and don’t get them done, it’s highly motivating. I don’t need to look to others to motivate me – it’s possible to find it myself, which is found through action only I can take (and you, too)!

I also believe that by rehearsing tomorrow, you can go into the day with intention. And, going about your time with intention is a way to uplevel your day (and life), too.

Applying Replay & Rehearse to Grief

Again, it comes down to awareness, intention, and action. As you go through your days, you will find a theme emerging. You will start to see where you can stand to make some changes. And, you can make some micro changes that add up to big shifts over time. And, both reflection and gratitude are tools for doing just that.

Wrapping you in love and light today and always. Thank you for reading.

much love, victoria

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