Who misses their own business anniversary? This gal.
Who got to celebrate with a great group of ladies two days late over the inter-webs? This gal.
It’s all good.
I feel as though I’ve walked a thousand miles this past year. Nothing near what Jesus accomplished, but hey, it was totally worth it. I’m sure Jesus felt his 7,300 miles (20 miles per day, on average – I Googled it) was worth it, too.
Anything challenging is often what we most need and, also, what we find is most worth it to us in the end. Isn’t that the truth?!
I launched The Unleashed Heart, LLC January 8th, 2019. So, my business is officially no longer a baby and is now a toddler! Lol! Hopefully, there aren’t too many temper tantrums on the horizon, but I expect some along the way. If I think about her (my business) as a toddler, resistance is bound to happen. But, if 2019 prepared me for anything, it laid the foundation for allowing. There doesn’t have to be a tug-of-war, power struggle always going on. I get to choose to be proactive and allow, or armor up and resist.
At the time of the launch, I had created Living Unleashed™ and launched it simultaneously with the website. Two months later, I would set out on an emotional and spiritual experience that I couldn’t have fathomed would’ve changed my life as it has.
This past year has led to some fantastic experiences, opportunities, and friendships that have felt so timely. My heart was cracked wide open in 2019.
Between Grief Recovery Certification, Usui Holy Fire Reiki Levels I & II Certification, The Unbecoming Collective Accountability Group, and the things I planned in 2019 for 2020, I can say 2019 was my exponential growth year.
2019 was the year I:
- Launched a new business (my 3rd)
- Overcame 30+ years of grief
- Booked and took a solo trip (to Austin, TX) for the first time
- Connected more fully to my heart
- Experienced spirituality in a way I had never before (maybe even for me – for the first time)
- Fully believed and embraced that we are physical beings here on earth, having a spiritual experience. I had heard/read this many times before, but this year was the year I feel like I felt it for the first time.
- Helped other hurting hearts navigate their grief and feeling what fulfillment felt like for the first time.
- Felt alignment for the first time – in who I am and what I am here to do
- Experienced Reiki for the first time. Mind-blown. All I gotta say is you have to experience it, and you’ll get a sense of what I mean. It’s bizarre, the most relaxed I had felt in ages, and it’s healing that can’t be seen – only felt.
- Forged new friendships
- Got out of my comfort zone and started speaking in front of people (I hadn’t done that since speech competition in high school).
- Gave up alcohol. So far, so good.
- Felt like I became a wiser parent (Grief Recovery & inner-work helped with this).
- Wrote a blog post every Friday and newsletter every Wednesday for 52 weeks – and counting.
- Started a daily meditation practice – 26 days and counting.
- Gave up on running. I’ve narrowed down my daily preferred body movements to either yoga or a 2-mile incline power walk (and, I swear I burn more calories doing this than I ever did running 2 miles flat).
- Signed up for Usui Reiki Master Certification (I can teach with this certification)
- Had an amazing (first, big) family vacation with those I love dearly
I could probably think of more if I sat here a bit longer, but, for the sake of finishing this post, I’ll stop there.
We don’t celebrate our lives enough. The past year was amazing, extremely challenging, and rewarding. And I honestly cannot wait to see what I can write for my 2nd Anniversary blog post!
So, enough about me. How about you? Have you reflected on 2019, celebrating, and finding the light – even in the darkness?
Growth, for me, won’t stop just because the calendar flipped, and we entered a new decade. I have a feeling this is only the beginning.