Less Than Happy Mother’s Day
This Mother’s Day, and maybe even the many before it, may not be happy for you or someone you know. Today’s post is to honor and recognize those who are going into this Mother’s Day with a heavy heart.
If you are a bereaved mother who is missing a phone call, visit, or hug from a child, have an angel baby, or empty arms – this Mother’s Day will be less than happy, and my heart goes out to you. And, perhaps it’s not a child you are grieving. Additionally, it must also be recognized that there are those, too, young and old, who may have their mother in their life, and it’s still a less than happy Mother’s Day. For many reasons, children with living mothers may find this Mother’s Day difficult, too. Whether due to incarceration, abuse, not knowing their biological mother, or simply a less than loving, healthy mother-child relationship – there’s grief that exists in those situations, too.
Mother wounds go both ways. We can feel like a wounded mother and can also be carrying a mother-wound inside of our hearts, too. One never knows by looking at another which it may be. And, it could be one or all of these scenarios, too, that are making this a less than happy Mother’s Day.
So this Mother’s Day weekend, no matter where you find your heart, whether in joy or sorrow, know you’re not alone. It’s okay to be angry. It’s okay to be sad. And, it’s okay to be grieving what’s been lost or what you’ve never had.
Here’s a little ditty I wrote off the cuff just for you…
There’s a wound I carry, so deep and so true.
No one can see it, but it’s ever-present, feeling raw and new.
What you see on the outside is deceiving, my heart knows this, too.
But, it’s hard to show the hurt and the pain that one word stirs within; a sigh of relief when the day comes to an end.
What’s in a word – so much weight, feeling too heavy to carry, pressing and pressing until I bend.
Love and loss, what might have been, too many questions creeping in.
Mother. To have and to be – such a blessing and a heartache that is ever-present within me.
Mother. It will break your heart a hundred times over. But, if you’re lucky, will fill you with love a thousand times more.
If you find yourself feeling less than happy, please give yourself some love this weekend. Buy yourself some roses, breathe in the life of nature, and exhale what is no longer serving you.
With Love + Light.💛