into the fog

The fog has been relentless here lately. It got me thinking about how it’s nearly impossible to see ahead when it’s so thick, especially in the darkness, and despite headlights to guide us on our way.

Growth is a lot like this. We don’t know what we don’t know. When life is feeling challenging, it can be outright painful to even look ahead to the future. During the hard, growth days, in the releasing and letting go of what’s no longer serving our higher good, that’s when the fog begins to lift. We start to see more clearly. We are able to look in the rearview and see how far we’ve come, too.

I don’t believe we ever graduate from “growth college.” It’s not something in which we can earn a Masters or PH.D. degree. It’s through the school of hard-Knox life where we learn as we go. There isn’t some end-point we all should be striving to achieve.

If we can accept that growth is a forever ongoing process and that we never truly reach enlightenment (unless you’re Buddhist), we then can savor the process of discovering and uncovering all the layers that have created and shaped us.

The fog has lifted here in the great plains. Despite not seeing the sun for several days, I know it’s there. Isn’t that funny? We have faith and trust that the sun is there, even when we can’t see it. And yet, we don’t trust and have faith in ourselves that we too, have a light within us that, no matter how thick the fog may get, can light the way for us – even in the darkest of days.

much love, victoria

P.S. My B.F.F. shared this Kindness February Calendar (<— click for immediate download) with me. I love it so much; I thought I’d share it with you. Spread your light, friend; with all the darkness and fog out there, we need more of it. 

P.P.S. Info on my FREE talk tomorrow and the upcoming 8-week Grief Recovery Group! 🙂 PDF LINK to TALK and PDF LINK to Group

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