how you do one thing is how you do everything

The perk of spending a lot of time behind the wheel in my day job is that I get a lot of open road time which equates to a lot of thinking/pondering/dreaming/planning/personal development time.

You may be scratching your head about the last one. Rightfully so; how can driving equate to personal development time, you ask? The answer: podcasts & audible books. I’m not particularly fond of Audible books because I am old-school; I like to doggy-ear the pages, highlight, and take notes. My books typically look used by the time I’m through them. However, I’ve gotten in the habit of listening to podcasts when I drive. I’ll usually listen to some feel-good music as I’m getting closer to home, but I can knock out a half-dozen podcast episodes in a day. But not just any podcast episodes; I like those that challenge my thinking, help me open my mind and heart in some way, and nurture the evolution of my very being.

As an entrepreneur, there’s a lot of noise out there. It can be challenging to discern who to listen to and what advice to take. First and foremost, there is no better advice in this world than that which we receive from our very own heart. That aside, I heard something recently on a podcast where the entrepreneur-host stated this: how you do one thing is how you do everything. 

I wanted to share that statement with you because I haven’t stopped thinking about it. Perhaps it will have you reflecting on the daily actions you take in your life, too. How you do one thing is how you do everything.

If we apply this to grief and all the ways we’ve learned to deal (or rather, not deal) with our emotional pain than knowing what I know about grief and the myths the overall majority of us learn, then it’s safe to say that we don’t deal very well with emotional suffering of any kind. That includes the roller-coaster of life we all ride in our marriages, in parenting, in our friendships, careers, etc..

Do you find yourself avoiding hard conversations? Do you tend to sleep in in the morning rather than get up, put on some tennis shoes and hit the gym or get out in nature for a walk? Have you given up on something important to you? Do you often feel bad about yourself?

I’ll be honest – the statement hit me hard. I’ve been struggling with tending to my physical body for the past couple of months. I’ve also not been doing the things that help me feel at peace at the start of my day. And, it got me thinking about how neglecting the things I believe are essential to my well-being translates to other areas of my life.

If I’m not taking care of me, what else am I not taking care of in my life? Where is my energy directed that leaves me with the feeling something is out of balance? When I get hyper-focused, I tend to zone out to the world around me, and I often neglect my well-being in the process. How can we regain balance again? We do this by addressing all facets of our lives and taking even small actions and setting even small goals each day. Like I said in this Instagram post, ya gotta decide. So, what’s stopping me? Well, the same person that’s stopping you. I am stopping me. You are stopping you. 

Grief Hardens Our Hearts

Reflecting on my life through grief recovery has connected so many dots for me. Grief steals so much more that goes beyond the initial loss (whether it’s a loved one, loss of trust/career/home, divorce, abuse (physical/emotional). And, grief experiences stacked on top of one another hardens our hearts over time. So, it makes total sense to me that how we grieve is how we live.

I’ve come a long way in my grief. I am more proud of the person I am today than I was before grief recovery because it’s begun to soften my heart. Also, for the first time, I feel a sense of self-worth and confidence that has changed me in other ways, too. I am bolder than ever and am not afraid to share what’s on my heart, including my struggles. And, right now, I struggle to find what feels good for me physically and then just doing it. I’ve heard it said that if you wait until your motivated to exercise, you’ll be waiting forever. Ain’t that the truth?! I guess it comes down to deciding then doing. And, for whatever reason, everything else but exercise has come to me more quickly – as far as making a decision and then doing.

A Few Q’s to Explore

  • How does the statement: how you do one thing is how you do everything resonate with you?
  • What is the first thing that pops into your mind?
  • In what areas of life do you feel you’re not meeting your potential, and how do you think that translates to other areas of your life?

Have a wonderful weekend! Go create some adventure; even if it’s in your backyard! Great advice for me – and you! Like I heard in a recent podcast interview where the guy dares you to go climb a tree! Even if you think you’re too old or too whatever – try it! I dare you to go play!

much love, victoria

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