The storm of grief may be brief, but mourning goes on for months and seasons. We mourn what was, what is, and what will never again be the same .
Are you navigating a grief storm right now?
When people think of grief or mourning, they often think there has to be the loss of a loved one.
I, on the other hand, believe we mourn and grieve in all sorts of ways throughout our lives.
We mourn a torn relationship with a child or parent, a life we feel we were cheated of experiencing, and personally, I’ve mourned a rekindled relationship that came about when it was too late and terminal illness took that person away. Similarly, we may mourn trust we felt was unbreakable, only for it to fall apart and shake our very foundation of trust in others forever.
Are you mourning a loss like these?
No matter what we are mourning, after some time we begin to ask ourselves if the mourning will ever end. It’s difficult to wrap our minds around the fact that what was will never be again. And the first step in healing is, I believe, acceptance.
Once we accept what is, only then can we start to process, in our minds, a different future. Even then, acceptance of a different state of being may bring rise to another wave of mourning.
Grief is cyclic; manifesting itself as problems in various areas of our lives and continually, will show up until it is addressed. And in my experience, you don’t stay in one stage, then move on to the next like it’s some sort of corporate ladder. Rather, you move through grief as you walk through life – repeating over and over and over with each problem that comes up; even more so, I believe, the younger you are when you experience grief because, as a child, it’s more difficult to process these things (especially without guidance, support, or better yet – therapy).
So, how do you move past grief?
You don’t. Instead, you accept that it will be with you forever – like a scar that never leaves. But, there is hope that you can learn to live with it and this can only happen with focused time, self-compassion, healthy boundaries, and intentional action to protect and nurture your mindset. The way you loosen grief’s grip is by understanding that when the waves of mourning wash over you all over again, you remind yourself that you’re a grief survivor.
And then you act like it (and take action against it) – over and over and over again.