online grief support group
The Solution

People say you have to let go and move on in your life, but they don’t tell you how. The Grief Recovery Method Group Program teaches you how to recover from loss with supportive guidance every step of the way. The Group Action Program is exactly what it suggests – you working on your own recovery alongside others doing the same work; all being guided by Victoria, an Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Method Specialist, Certified by the Grief Recovery Institute. You get guided through the exact same process Victoria went through to process her own losses.

You may feel apprehensive about airing your grief laundry in a group setting. However, from personal experience, the group dynamic adds to the experience tremendously. Everyone is grieving something. It’s in the sharing of stories and heartache, where you find support, well after the group program ends. All that is required is an open mind and commitment. You not only commit to yourself, but you also commit to being present for others in your small group. This program is the gift that keeps on giving, too. Because after the program ends, you will have new knowledge and new tools for you to utilize the rest of your life.

Grief Recovery is the gift that keeps on giving.

Program Details

〉 Meet weekly – typically Wednesday evenings from 7-9 PM CST (breaks over major holidays)

〉 We use Zoom – calls are not recorded, and there is additional tech support if needed.

〉Online groups are limited to 8 participants. In-Person groups are limited to 12.

〉 Participants share what their comfortable with in large groups. However, deeper sharing happens in small break-out groups with 1-2 others.

〉 Each week builds on itself, so weekly attendance is of utmost importance. In the event of an emergency and a missed session, we will make arrangements.

〉Weekly reading and heart work assignments will require 1-2 additional hours per week. If audio is a better fit, there is an option for that.

〉Participants become emotionally complete with one of their most emotionally challenging relationships by the end of the 8th session. Session 9 (four weeks following session 8) is a bonus session.

〉Particpants learn the ONLY action and evidence-based framework for addressing the pain of grief. Not to mention grief education and tools that will serve them for the rest of their lives.

Don’t wait any longer; the future you is waiting!

Is it Ever Too Soon to Join a Grief Support Group?
  1.  No! It is never too soon (or too late) to address your grief. If you broke your leg, would you wait to call the doctor? Of course, not! Then why wait to get help when you break your heart?


2. You’ve probably heard that time heals all wounds. That piece of misinformation creates the idea that you have to wait to feel better. Some, like myself, waited thirty years and still didn’t feel better. And I will tell you that not only had time not healed me, but it also compounded the pain. It’s not time that heals, but what you do within time.

Click the button below to express your interest in reserving a spot in a future online grief recovery program.

Is a group program for you, or is one-on-one a better fit?

online grief support group

Schedule a FREE 20-Minute Consultation to find out!

Q & A’s About the In-Person & Online Group Programs

Q & A’s

How does the support group work?

In a group program, you’ll be taken through a series of action steps where each week builds on each other. You only share what you want in the large group. It is in small group, during break-out sessions where you share the most and only what you’re open to sharing. Safety in sharing is priority #1.


Is this only for working on the death of a loved one?

All losses are welcome! Death, divorce, and diagnosis are the most common, but there are over 40 losses that cause grief.


I have been diagnosed with depression/anxiety - is this for me?

When it comes to depression/anxiety, to be a participant, we look at the severity. We all experience depressive episodes in our lives, and mild anxiety is normal and common. To complete this program, you should be able to function in your day-to-day life, express yourself, and focus and complete the heart work contained within the program.


What can I expect from our time together?

During each two-hour session, you’ll be welcomed into a confidential, non-judgmental space where you’ll be expected to share the truth of your story as it happened to you. You’ll also be expected to complete weekly reading and heart work assignments.

From me, you can expect open ears and an open heart ready to receive your story. I’m also available to answer logistical questions about the program and support between sessions. I will also not tolerate someone participating who is not committed to doing the work.

Participants feeling safe in sharing is of utmost importance to me. Therefore, weekly attendance is imperative to maintain the program’s integrity and allow every participant to have a positive experience. 


What should I bring?

A notebook, something to write with, water, and tissues. There will be a book provided and worksheets if in person. Online group participants will also receive a book.


I'm not very techie, is the online group for me?

Zoom is the platform used for the online group program.

If the tech aspect of the program is the only thing holding you back, we will get on a pre-program call to help get you acquainted and comfortable with Zoom.

There are also helpful guides provided to familiarize yourself with Zoom as well.


Do I have to attend every week?

Yes! Your participation is key to your recovery! It also helps to maintain the program’s integrity within the small groups. If you repeatedly are not there for your partner, it impacts the other participant’s experience. If you miss a group session after the first two weeks, you’ll be asked to leave the program with the opportunity to finish with another group at another time.


How is The Grief Recovery Method® different from therapy?

The Grief Recovery Method® is a series of steps specifically designed to help you recover from major loss within a set time frame. Unlike traditional therapy, The Grief Recovery Method® comes with a pre-established framework, a distinct focus on grief, and a limited number of meetings. If you are seeing a therapist, I encourage the program as an add-on to the work you are already doing. Typically, I will request the therapist’s blessing for their client to participate in grief recovery – especially if there is a mental health challenge diagnosis.


How do I get started?

Schedule a free consultation to have any questions answered or to register with me for an upcoming program. You may also email me at [email protected]

If the doors are currently open for registration on a program starting soon, you may register via the link provided. Look for that button on this page.


Do you still have questions? Schedule a FREE 20-minute Consultation.

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