grief is a motivator

We either move toward pleasure or away from pain. However, when grief is backstage in our life, we’re more often than not, motivated to move away from it as fast as we possibly can (toward pleasure). Which, usually, only leads to more pain. Why? Because the original motivator (grief) hasn’t yet made its way to center-stage.

It can be challenging to recognize when we’re grieving, especially when life seems to be going pretty well. You have food on the table, a roof over your head, everyone is healthy – there’s much for which to be grateful. However, you can feel all kinds of thankful for those things, and yet, you can also feel like you’re living life on auto-pilot. You may be pouring yourself into work or home projects. You may be eating, drinking, and being merry with friends and family regularly.

All the while, grief is flowing like a low-tide in your life. And, it’s difficult to recognize because, by outer appearances, things are going well, and you shouldn’t feel how you truly feel. Right?

Grief makes us feel crazy, and it’s quite exhausting. And, it’s often the root motivator in our life. We just don’t identify with it, that is until the rug is swept from underneath us. Grief is forced center-stage, and we’re forced to face it.

Eventually, we either desire the pain to stop; becoming the captain of our own ship and do something about it to move us forward in a positive way. Or, we deny ourselves year after year of living life itself to our fullest potential. This is the sacrifice no one speaks about. And, it’s what took me the longest to come to terms with, in my own grief.

Have you denied yourself of your fullest potential at the cost of grief? The year is 2020. How ironic it is, that grief is now center-stage of our world as a collective; even famous people who’ve never spoken the word “grief” out loud are now talking about it.

Grief is the one thing uniting us all right now. The thing is, it always has been one thing that we all endure in our lifetime. It does not discriminate and knows no bounds.

So, what is coming into focus for you?

Care to share? I love stories and, I’d love to hear yours. Email me at victoria [at] theunleashedheart [dot] com. I won’t share it; it’s between you and me. Pinky-swear.

I am sending you much love today.

much love, victoria



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