giving of ourselves

In the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.), a popular program for recovery from alcohol addiction, the addict’s sobriety is not complete until it is shared with others. 

The principle of sharing to completion also applies to The Grief Recovery Method programs. Interesting, huh?

Anyway, This principle is also true for all of us. If we live only for ourselves, what kind of life would we live? If all we did is take, take, take – we’d never experience the joy we receive when we give. We truly find ourselves when we give of ourselves. For example, spouses find fulfillment in giving to each other and their children (with healthy boundaries in place, of course). Teachers, nurses, coaches, first-responders – people in all walks of life, find meaning to life when giving of themselves lovingly.

When a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it still produces – so do we. When we give of ourselves to others, we too live and flourish.

Earlier this week, after a second failed attempt at getting a grief recovery group going, I found myself in a self-inflicted pity party. Until I remembered a very wise lesson someone shared with me that I will blog about next week. After feeling sorry for myself for a good two days, I decided to take the advice given and decided to give of myself instead. I am currently working on the details of what that’s going to look like for me. But know this: when you feel like you’ve failed, the fastest and easiest way to flip that crap around is taking forward-action. Do something that will move you forward in your life – listen to a podcast episode that’s motivating, read a book that feeds your brain and teaches you something new, or, as this blog post is about – give of your time (lovingly) to someone else or a cause you believe in supporting.

Try this the next time you feel disappointed about something that didn’t turn out as you hoped or expected and see how that failure (i.e. learning moment) fades into the rearview. 

much love, victoria

P.S. I’ve started providing Reiki sessions and have received fantastic feedback on results! Are you interested in trying it? Read all about it and click here to book your session. Various days/times available. 🙂

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