Are You Heartbroken Due to the Death or Loss of a Beloved Pet?

Whether you have experienced the death or loss of a beloved cat, dog, bird, turtle, or horse – it doesn’t matter. The bond of a pet is unlike the bonds of our human companions and is one of the most minimized losses. The bond you had share with your pet is special because they were special to you.

Do Any of These Statements Resonate?
I’ve kept all of my pet’s belongings untouched, but I’m not sure if that’s helping or hindering my healing.
I feel so lost without my pet, and people don’t seem to understand why I’m so affected.
When I express how much I miss my pet, I’m met with comments like, “It was just an animal.”
I’m seeking support from people who understand pet loss, but it’s hard to find. 
I keep thinking there is more I could have done for my pet, and it’s eating me up inside.
Out of nowhere, something will remind me of my pet, and I’m overwhelmed with sadness again. 
I think I’m ready for a new pet, but I’m afriad of dishonoring my previous pet’s memory or setting unrealistic expectations. 
Hope is the belief that things can improve, life can be better, and your current realty is temporary.

The present moment is, in fact, temporary. And once you realize this, there is an opportunity to choose differently for yourself.

You can feel better. However, to feel better, it takes action. If you keep doing the same thing, expecting different results, you get what Albert Einstein said – “insanity!” You’re like a hamster on a wheel, getting nowhere fast, doing the same thing over and over.

Taking intentional, proactive, and strategic action in the face of life’s challenges creates transformative results. This is what I would call applied knowledge.

Knowledge alone is just knowledge. However, applied knowledge is where we discover empowerment.

You are a powerful being who is capable of feeling better. You are not “broken,” and nothing is wrong with you. Are you ready to feel better?


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Victoria has a natural skill for deep listening and empathy. She provided a safe space where I could say what I needed to say. Victoria is grounded in her work, making her an excellent facilitator. If you are looking for a coach or a mentor to help with some of your grief issues, I highly recommend Victoria. 

– Kevin B.

Meet Your Guide


Welcome! I’m Victoria, your guide through pet loss grief,

fellow animal lover, and dog mom to a joy-giving Havanese named Gizmo.

I started writing about grief on a personal blog in 2014, which later became a self-published book in 2017.

As a child-griever who grew up with grief, I have learned how to live alongside grief, albeit with a lot of lessons and what not-to-do’s under my belt. Society has taught grievers for decades that grief is best left swept under the rug.

As an animal lover growing up, I desperately wanted an animal I could keep and call mine for longer than a few months. I wouldn’t get that wish until 2014, when we brought Gizmo into our lives. He has been the greatest gift that keeps on giving. He’s considered elderly now, and I know someday I will be faced with the heartache that brought you to this program.

Be proud of yourself for taking action toward feeling better, understanding why pet loss hurts the heart as it does, and remembering with love and fondness and without the sharp edges of your loss.

victoria volk

More On Who I Am

Below is my YouMap®️, a holistic assessment for self-discovery of your strengths, values, skills, and personality. I can assist you in discovering this for yourself. However, I share mine so you can better understand who I am, what I bring to the work I do, and for you to determine if I, and my offerings, are a good fit for you.


Sense the emotions of others, feel what others feel, hear unvoiced questions, anticipate the needs of others


Find alternative ways to proceed, find the best route, playout alternative scenarios and discard paths that lead to nowhere


Like to think, enjoy time alone for introspection and reflection


Craving to know more, compile and archive information because it’s interesting and keeps my mind fresh – without knowing when or why I might need it


Bridge builder among people who share differences, connect dots and links between things and people

top values



Inner Harmony







What I Offer You

💛 My approach is EMPATHY first; it drives everything I do.

💛 Through a thread of CONNECTEDNESS, you will see how the present ties to the past.

💛 I’m practical and STRATEGIC; providing tangible resources, practical tools, and actionable strategies that move you into action at a structured pace.

💛 Feelings of empowerment as you move through this guided process.

I don’t offer theoretical knowledge, rather, experience and tried, tested, and proven tools to help you see your loss in a way you never have and unleash yourself from the suffering:
  • struggling to move forward without your pet friend in your day-to-day life
  • when you realize the loss of your pet has a way of bringing up a lot of other losses you’ve experienced in your life
  • knowing that feeling better is in your control and happiness is your responsibility
  • from the loss of hopes, dreams, and expectations, and anything you wish would have been (or could be) different, better, or more
What is Do Pet Loss Differently?
The Problem

You’ve likely grown up with a lot of the same beliefs about grief as your parents did. And because parents resort to what they know, the misinformation about grief gets passed down generations.


Perhaps you were told as a kid that after a pet died, “you could just get another one.”


However, the loss that brought you to look into this program doesn’t leave you feeling like you could possibly love another pet in the same way.

You know in your heart that you can’t replace the loss of your pet friend. 

Finding support for the loss of your pet has probably left you feeling defeated, too.

You desire to be heard, but people in your life just don’t seem to understand or get it.

You desire support and encouragement rather than criticism, analysis, or judgment. However, in their attempt to offer support, others resort to their perspective and understanding of pet loss and say hurtful things, even if unintentional.

We’re taught how to acquire pets, not what to do when we lose them.
There is a solution
With a deep understanding of grief and empathy for others, this program is designed with a framework tailored to each individual’s unique experience.

In an attempt to feel better after the loss of your beloved pet, you may have tried reading books, blogs, or online articles. However, if there wasn’t a framework to follow with an approach that kept you on track and focused, it came down to just being more information.

However, the path forward is to apply knowledge by taking action.

Do Pet Loss Differently is for you if…
You are committed to self-improvement and personal growth. 
You want to feel more in control of your emotions and feel greater well-being.
You desire to be fully present with others and show up more fully without the undercurrent of grief.
You have been seeking a holistic solution that resonates with your unique emotional and practical needs.
You want to learn action-oriented strategies and tools.
Tangible results and progress are important to you. 
You are open-minded and willing to trust the process and put in your best effort. 
Support groups, self-help books, and traditional therapy don’t feel like a good fit. 
You know enough about technology to get by (log into websites, navigation, open and save attachments). 
 You’re looking for a self-guided program with the option of adding live, one-on-one support. 
Do Pet Loss Differently is not for you if…
You prefer to be guided and supported live, one-on-one, throughout the entire process of working through your grief.
You’re not ready and open to taking small, necessary action steps toward healing and feeling better.
You believe that time will heal; you just need to “get over it” and move on. 
You’re looking for a quick, speedy process and are unwilling to invest an hour per week into your healing. 
Aren’t interested in learning new information and new tools. 

Is pet loss holding you back? Begin TODAY so you can move forward tomorrow!


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I would always tell my friends that my dog, Blake, was a part of me, like a limb. He was always with me. We traveled and did yoga together. I did everything with him.

I had him for eight years and thought I still had more time with him. I was not prepared. It was a shock to me, and it happened so quickly. I took him to the vet, and they said he had kidney cancer and he was going to die, and be prepared to make arrangements. I knew that this was going to be a big deal for me. And I knew I didn’t want it to break me.

I also knew that I needed support. And I wanted expert support. I reached out to Victoria right away because I knew she was certified in grief recovery. Victoria suggested that I also hire an end-of-life doula since we’re in different states. I didn’t even know such a job existed.

I really got incredible support, and I’m truly grateful.

– Maha 

*excerpt taken and edited for clarity from Grieving Voices episode 165 recorded with Maha.*

Questions & Answers
Education +New Tools + a Framework for Healing: Nine modules will help you understand pet loss and grief more deeply and provide a series of action steps to help you process the pain of your loss. Each module includes corresponding worksheets, audio, and walk-thru videos.
The content is accessible from mobile devices, iPads, or similar devices. However, for the best experience possible, I highly recommend accessing the course from a laptop or desktop computer. It’s not a necessity, but will make it easier technology-wise.
No! In fact, I have created each document to be fillable online, enabling you to type within the documents and save them that way. Two documents are not fillable. However, you can recreate those on a plain piece of paper. There is no need to print those either!
You complete this program at your own pace. However, to keep you on task and accountable to each module’s heart work, it is set up in a way that you complete one module before you can move on to the next. There is a purpose and intention to this. I don’t want you to shortchange yourself along the way, so I’ve set it up to help you achieve the best results possible! Trust the process! 💛
If you desire, you can bring me into your pet loss healing journey for a reduced rate. This is neither a requirement nor an obligation.
Everyone is different. However, a ballpark guesstimate is to allow 30 minutes to an hour to complete each module. Several lessons can be completed while doing other activities by listening to the audio included instead of reading the content. You could be feeling better after a week of daily committed YOU time in doing this work! Doesn’t that sound amazing?! 🥰
There is a 48-hour 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If, after fully completing Modules 1 and 2, you feel this program is not for you, you can email [email protected] anytime within 48 hours of purchase, and I will happily refund you.
Are You Ready To Move Forward?

Use the code DECDPLD for $100 off through December. There are only 12 coupon codes available!








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